There is substantial evidence, from documents and witness statements, that the Biden family, including President Joe Biden, may have been involved in criminal activity involving, among other issues, foreign entities tied to Ukraine and China.
Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, has already acknowledged that he is the target of an FBI criminal investigation.
A special counsel should immediately be appointed because the Justice Department is conflicted in investigating any matter that could implicate President Biden or his immediate family.
And support Judicial Watch’s INDEPENDENT investigations and lawsuits to hold Joe Biden accountable under the law!
Sign the petition to show your support for holding Biden accountable!
Dear Lawmakers,
The Justice Department is conflicted in investigating any matter that could implicate President Biden or his immediate family. Appoint a special counsel immediately.
In fact, let’s end Daylight Savings Time with DST in effect.
DST became a “thing” in April 1966 when President Johnson signed the law. The Uniform Time Act established DST for the country and its possessions. States were allowed to opt out – Arizona and Hawaii don’t participate. Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, The Northern Mariana Islands, Guam and American Samoa also take a pass on the silliness of DST. Many states. including Utah, Maryland, California, South Carolina, Washington, Delaware, Maine, Arkansas, Tennessee, Oregon and Florida, have started to pass legislation to either skip DST or to maintain the time change permanently.
Inconsistent, state by state, departure from DST could be chaos. We need to ditch it nationally, consistently and quickly!
It’s not for farmers. Farmers were actually opposed to the time change when it was first tried in 1918. It made it more difficult for them to keep their schedules and get the most out of their labor force. Dairy cows don’t wear wrist watches and want to be milked at the same time, regardless.
Who benefits: Retail. With more daylight, we spend more money. We’re more likely to be out and about shopping, the true great American pastime, and out doing recreational activities.
We should stop messing with our health. Studies show a loss of sleep can lead to more car accidents, heart attacks, workplace injuries, suicides, miscarriages. Not to mention we see a loss of productivity after the Spring Ahead. In November, realistically, few people actually get to take advantage of the Fall Back extra hour because it can take a sleep cycle several days to a month to adjust. Plus? Teens get really cranky. And, if you’ve ever had a toddler during the DST switches, you know the nightmare it is adjusting their schedules too!
Doesn’t it save energy? Not much if any. The Department of Energy found the 0.5% total electricity use per day could be saved, but electricity use increased the closer to the equator you got. A study in Indiana in 2006 showed a 1% increase in electricity use, costing consumers $9 million a year. Other studies show the same trend: we use more electricity.
Let’s do this together, as one country: Ditch the Switch!
Dear lawmakers, Let’s end Daylight Savings Time with DST in effect.
Inconsistent, state by state, departure from DST could be chaos. We need to ditch it nationally, consistently and quickly!
We should stop messing with our health. Studies show a loss of sleep can lead to more car accidents, heart attacks, workplace injuries, suicides, miscarriages. Not to mention we see a loss of productivity after the Spring Ahead. In November, realistically, few people actually get to take advantage of the Fall Back extra hour because it can take a sleep cycle several days to a month to adjust. Plus? Teens get really cranky. And, if you’ve ever had a toddler during the DST switches, you know the nightmare it is adjusting their schedules too!
Let’s do this together, as one country: Ditch the Switch!
Protect our Troops: Demand Secure Minerals for our Military
America’s armed forces depend on the critical mineral antimony to keep our brave men and women safe. Antimony is used in munitions, military clothing, night vision goggles, flares and infrared sensors.
Currently, there is no mined supply of antimony in the United States. We depend on China and Russia to provide us with this critical mineral. We should not rely on foreign countries to produce the minerals we need to keep our troops safe.
Perpetua Resources has located a world-class deposit of antimony and gold in Idaho’s historic Stibnite Mining District. The company’s Stibnite Gold Project is an opportunity to produce the antimony our military depends on through responsible, modern mining.
Currently, there is no mined supply of antimony in the United States
The Stibnite Gold Project is currently in the process of being permitted. It has been under the review of regulators at the U.S. Forest Service for years.
Sign the petition now to tell regulators it is time to move the Stibnite Gold Project forward to help protect our troops.
**NOTE: By signing, you agree to have your comment submitted to the Stibnite Gold Project page on the US Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service website:
We need a secure, domestic source of the mineral antimony to keep the brave men and women who serve our country safe. This critical mineral is key to the national defense industry and used in everything from munitions and infrared sensors to military clothing and flares.
Despite antimony’s importance, the United States is entirely reliant on foreign countries for this critical mineral supply. Currently, China, Russia and Tajikistan control 90% of the word’s antimony. This reliance puts our nation at risk.
The Stibnite Gold Project presents our nation with an opportunity to secure a domestic supply of antimony.
Perpetua Resources has carefully studied the area for years and developed a plan to mine the area responsibly. Perpetua Resources will be able to put hundreds of Americans to work and clean up an area in need of repair, all while providing our armed forces with the minerals they need.
Our troops cannot continue to rely on China and Russia for antimony. I encourage you to move the Stibnite Gold Project forward as quickly as possible
But Hillary Clinton has a demonstrated record of showing contempt for the rule of law.
She didn’t tell the truth about the deadly Benghazi terrorist attack that took place on her watch as Secretary of State She violated the law and avoided accountability by using secret email accounts as Secretary of State
She abused her public office to funnel money to her corrupt Clinton Foundation and other Clinton-connected entities. This is all unacceptable.
In this country our leaders are bound by the rule of law. She must be held accountable for her actions.
Sign the petition now to demand that Hillary Clinton answer for her corruption!
In this country our leaders are bound by the rule of law. Hillary Clinton must be held accountable for her actions.
Congress : Stop the waste of tax dollars: Support commonsense flood-resilient infrastructure standards
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Petition By: The Pew Charitable Trusts
From 1980 to 2013 flooding disasters cost taxpayers more than $260 billion in damages while claiming lives and devastating communities. The problem has been amplified by our nation’s deteriorating infrastructure, which recently received a grade of D+ from the American Society of Civil Engineers. At a time when we need national leaders to support policies that make fiscally responsible use of taxpayer dollars, some in Congress are making an effort to repeal the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS). This critical policy ensures all federally funded infrastructure in flood-prone areas be constructed to better withstand the impacts of flooding.
As the nation continues to face increasing natural disaster threats and mounting pressures to reduce federal spending, reversal of this sensible standard would be shortsighted. The FFRMS is prudent policy intended to reduce our exposure to flood risk, wisely steward taxpayer dollars, and ensure the durability of our federal investments. Recent polling shows 82 percent of registered voters support the concept of the FFRMS, and broad support for the standard exists from organizations representing reinsurance businesses, civil engineers, and fiscal conservatives.
The FFRMS helps avoid the need to rebuild over and over in the aftermath of major storms by ensuring taxpayer dollars are invested once in infrastructure that is built to withstand today’s floods and tomorrow’s flood risk. Ask your Member of Congress to oppose repealing the FFRMS to make sure we build smarter and stronger before and after disasters.
To Congress: Some Members of Congress are suggesting the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) be repealed. We urge you to oppose any actions that would undermine this critical policy that ensures all federally funded infrastructure projects in flood-prone areas are constructed to withstand the impacts of future flooding. If enacted, H.R. 1558 would limit repeat losses and lessen the cost and impact of flooding nationwide on taxpayers, communities, and the federal government.
At a time when the nation is faced with increasing natural disaster threats and pressure to reduce federal spending, repealing the FFRMS would result in wasted taxpayer dollars spent on the vicious cycle of flood loss and repair.
As your constituents we urge you to not add your name those calling for repeal of the FFRMS.
Congress: Break the costly cycle of repeated flooding and rebuilding!
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Petition By: The Pew Charitable Trusts
Among the millions of National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policyholders are thousands whose properties have flooded multiple times. There is no limit on the number of damage claims these policyholders can file, so they may flood and rebuild over and over.
Although these properties are small in number — historically representing just 1 percent of NFIP policies — the claims have an outsize financial impact, accounting for 25 to 30 percent of NFIP losses. Some of these repeatedly flooded properties have received payments worth more than their value. Over the years, NFIP losses for these repeatedly flooded properties has climbed to over $12 billion — nearly half of the program’s total debt.
And the problem has been growing, with the number of repeatedly flooded properties increasing by an estimated 5,000 per year. This vicious cycle of flooding and rebuilding puts communities at risk and will cost taxpayers billions more unless action is taken.
A solution to this problem is overdue.
The Repeatedly Flooded Communities Preparation Act (H.R. 1558), bipartisan legislation recently introduced by Representatives Ed Royce (R-CA) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), would require communities with significant numbers of repeatedly flooded properties to proactively reduce flood risk rather than simply rebuilding time and time again. Ask Congress to support this important legislation to stop the costly cycle of flooding and rebuilding. Take action today.
To Congress: We are writing to ask you to support the Repeatedly Flooded Communities Preparation Act (H.R. 1558), a bill recently introduced by Representatives Ed Royce (CA) and Earl Blumenauer (OR), which would take an important step to address a long-standing serious issue involving properties that are continuously rebuilt after flooding.
If enacted, H.R. 1558 would limit repeat losses and lessen the cost and impact of flooding nationwide on taxpayers, communities, and the federal government.
As your constituents, we urge you to support this important bill and make sure it is included in this year’s National Flood Insurance Program reauthorization.
URGENT: Sign the petition to join President Trump’s Senate allies in the fight to end late-term abortions
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Petition By: NRSC
Democrats have made extreme pro-abortion policies a key part of their Party Platform. Their “pro-choice” movement is anti-life. As declared in our country’s founding doctrine, all Americans have a right to life, even the unborn. It’s time to shed light and take a stand against the ever-growing- and well-funded- movement on the left to support late-term aboretions. The legislation they support devalues human lives. Since taking office, and even on the campaign trail before he was elected, President Trump made a promise to fight to protect the unborn. From appointing conservative judges to keeping Planned Parenthood in check, he has worked to keep those promises and more. Will you join President Trump and his allies in this fight? Stand for LIFE and sign your name in support of the President and his allies’ efforts to protect the lives of the unborn!
To Fellow Americans:
I stand with you in the fight to end late-term abortion!
Congress: Don’t leave out millions of student loan borrowers
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Petition By: The Pew Charitable Trusts
More than 43 million Americans owe over $1.4 trillion in federal student debt. As highlighted in recent Pew focus groups, many borrowers feel deeply responsible for repaying their loans. But like the parent pictured above, they have other responsibilities to juggle as well.
Making ends meet has become harder because of the coronavirus. In March, as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Congress took an important step to help many borrowers by temporarily pausing payments and interest on student loans. But the legislation did not include millions of borrowers with federal student loans held by private companies under an old student loan program called the Family Federal Education Loan Program.
Let Congress know that ALL borrowers should be able to pause payments and interest if they need to. Otherwise, there will be student loan winners and losers.
To Congress: Thank you for supporting millions of student loan borrowers in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act by suspending monthly payments and interest accumulation for federally held student loans. I recently learned that millions of federal student loan borrowers were left out of this temporary fix because they have commercially-held loans from the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program. Federal student loan borrowers should not suffer if their federal student loans are held by private entities. All students who have federal student loans should have access to the same assistance during this pandemic, regardless of who holds their federal loan, which type of loan they have, or when they borrowed the money. As Congress considers further legislation to deal with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, please ensure that a legislative fix is included to extend coronavirus related student loan assistance to all federal student loan borrowers. Sincerely, [Your Name]
CA Legislature : Protect Patients from Overpayment for Life-Changing Prescriptions
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Petition By: California Life Sciences Association
You should never have to pay more for prescription drugs than it’s costing your insurance provider and PBM (Pharmacy benefit managers). AB 2863 would get rid of “clawbacks,” which means patients pay more than is due for their prescriptions — and require a fair payment structure for the advantage of the patient, and not the insurance corporations and pharmacy benefit managers.
To CA Legislature: As your constituent, I’m writing to urge you to support AB2863. Clawbacks occur when commercially insured patients’ copayments exceed the total cost of the drug to their insurer or pharmacy benefit manager. In other words, patients end up paying more than the cost of their prescription. This bill will allow pharmacists to charge consumers the lowest available cost, and limit the amount that patients have to pay for medications.
AB 2863 will help increase the fairness of copays and help patients in our state. I hope you will support the bill. Thank you,
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Petition By: National Retail Federation
Under the Durbin Amendment, banks can charge as much as they like for debit card swipe fees as long as the amount is set independently and competitively. Those who refuse, however, are subject to a limit that has cut the high, monopolistic fees roughly in half.
Surprisingly, not a single major bank has taken advantage of this opportunity to compete. While all have lowered their fees, each continues to charge the same as the others. Consumers have saved about $6 billion a year because lower swipe fees mean lower prices. But the opportunity for competition has been squandered.
Now, banks are asking Congress to repeal the Durbin Amendment so they can go back to unencumbered price-fixing swipe fees at ever-higher levels. Doing so would mean higher prices for shoppers. Worse yet, a chance to replace a rigged market with competition would be lost.
It’s time to tell Congress a vote to repeal the Durbin Amendment is a vote against competition. If you think banks should compete, sign our petition.
To U.S. Congress: For years, big banks price fixed the “swipe” fees merchants are charged when shoppers use debit cards to make a purchase, driving up consumer prices by hundreds of dollars a year. Congress finally said “enough” in 2010 and passed the Durbin Amendment, which told the biggest banks they would face a limit unless they agreed to set the fees independently and competitively. So far, virtually none have, even though they could charge as much as they like if they would simply compete. Now, big banks want to go back to price-fixing debit swipe fees at ever-higher levels by repealing the Durbin Amendment. I disagree. Rather than giving up on competition, banks should be required to disclose their debit and credit card swipe fees so consumers can see the true cost of paying with plastic — more than $50 billion a year.
Competition is one of the key principles of our economy’s free market system. Please do not allow it to be sacrificed on the altar of big bank greed. Vote no on Durbin Amendment repeal. Sincerely, [Your Name]